[beplain] Cicaful Beruhigungsgel 80 ml

$13.50 $52.90
Verkäufer beplain
  • Das Beplain Cicaful Calming Gel ist ein klares, leichtes, beruhigendes Gel, das Rötungen und Irritationen lindert und der Haut einen zusätzlichen Feuchtigkeitsschub verleiht. Das Gel kann täglich, sowohl tagsüber als auch nachts, verwendet werden und eignet sich ideal für die Anwendung nach einem chemischen Peeling.
  • Seine nicht klebrige Textur ist das Ergebnis des Polymernetzwerkmechanismus, der es Ihrer Haut ermöglicht, das Produkt effektiv aufzunehmen, ohne einen klebrigen Film zu hinterlassen. Es ist daher für alle Hauttypen geeignet, insbesondere für empfindliche Haut.
  • Das Gel verwendet eine hohe Konzentration von Centella Asiatica (92,6 %) anstelle einer Wasserbasis, um die beruhigende Wirkung zu verstärken. Centella ist reich an Antioxidantien und hilft außerdem, die Hautbarriere zu stärken und die Haut mit Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen. Die im Gel enthaltenen Ceramide und Lecithin reparieren außerdem die Hautbarriere, verbessern die Feuchtigkeitsspeicherung und halten die Haut prall.
  • Feigenextrakt ist ein weiterer wichtiger Inhaltsstoff, der eine hervorragende Quelle für Antioxidantien und Vitamine darstellt. Es hilft, vorzeitige Zeichen der Hautalterung zu reduzieren, die durch Schäden durch freie Radikale verursacht werden, die Haut zu reinigen und den Hautton auszugleichen.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
My wife loves it

My wife mentioned the product was produced from excellent ingredients, being she has sensitive skin it moisturizes well and would recommend to anyone.

Cicaful calming gel

This calming gel helps my acne skin on forehead. Reduced the redness and irritation skin. It is really helpful in cooling down my face. Strongly recommend!

L L.
I love it.

I love this gel moisturizer. I used to use a different brand for men, but it's a little pricy. Be Plain price is very reasonable and gives me moisturizing.
This is a very great cooling gel, and after staying in the Sun, it makes me feel very comfortable and cool down.


I have dry flaky skin, and also prone to acne and clogged pores. This gel was excellent at subduing bumps starting to form on the skin, that overwise would have become a full on pimple. For already formed pimples, this sped up healing time. This also helped encourage congested pores to come to a head for removal. But I didn't experience an angry purge. The clog just slowly and peacefully surfaced, and was ready to leave. The gel is soothing.


I have very sensitive, very oily skin - prone to acne and irritation (also perioral dermatitis which is very difficult to eliminate while wearing a mask all day). Tried a lot of different moisturizers in the past which often exacerbate acne and irritation and are typically either a gel that is not hydrating enough or a cream that is too greasy. This gel is very soothing. It contains ceramides to reduce irritation and help to maintain the integrity of the skin - this is the only gel moisturizer I have come across so far that contains ceramides. It feels cool and hydrating and noticeably reduces redness from acne, irritation, and dermatitis. No apparent fragrance. No greasy feel. No sticky gel or slippery silicone residue (problems I have had with many oily skin moisturizer gels). Will definitely buy again, and I would recommend it to anyone else with sensitive oily or combination skin.